About the Journal

Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches


The “Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches” (PhRAR) is a peer-reviewed international journal of philosophy of religion. PhRAR is edited and published by the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS Institute of Philosophy). The journal accepts philosophical articles about religion, its cultural varieties and their interconnections.  Each issue of the journal has a unique theme (e.g. Religion and Mystical Experience, Religion and Metaphysics). In addition to articles written by Russian and foreign philosophers, we publish papers on religious studies and theology, translations into Russian of excerpts from classical philosophical and theological writings, and reviews of contemporary research.

The journal replaces the “Philosophy of Religion: Almanac”, an international periodical of RAS Institute of Philosophy and the Society of Christian Philosophers (USA), edited by V.K. Shokhin and published every two years between 2006 and 2015. The Almanac was one of the first Russian journals of philosophy of religion, a subject new to Russian philosophy. PhRAR will have a greater interest than the Almanac in intercultural topics, and we welcome papers on the religious philosophy not only of Christianity and Judaism, but also of Islam and Buddhism.

The subtitle of the journal, “Analytic Researches” is not meant to reflect a commitment to the tenets of a particular philosophical school, but simply the aim of the journal to publish articles which are carefully and rigorously argued.

Founder and publisher: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). The Mass Media Registration Certificate No. FS77-70692 on August 15, 2017

The Journal is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

The subscription index of the United Catalog "Press of Russia" is 94270.

The editorial policy of the journal is developed by the editor-in-chief, who is supported by a highly professional international editorial board. All articles previously reviewed by experts are discussed at the editorial board.

The sections of the journal:






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E-mail: phil_relig@iphras.ru
URL: https://frai.iph.ras.ru/