Which Type of Reality is Being Described by the Conception of the Postsecular World?





logic, facts, statistics, religion, secularization, the postsecular, metaphysics, post-metaphysics, the prefix post-, the strata of reality


Publications intended to prove that the contemporary mankind has entered the era of the postsecularity being already counted by four-digit numbers, verification of this point from both logic and facts, in the author’s view, proves otherwise. Because of the immensity of this ocean of writing on this matter the author indulges in confining himself with only three spheres of implementation of this “doctrine”, i.e. with the post-metaphysical philosophy of Jürgen Habermas as the icon of the whole movement, intellectual games with the prefix post- in this context as highlighting the main significances of the conception under discussion and a newest understanding of the postsecular as a format of the secular. While Habermas envisaged the main objective of the postsecular society in involvement of religious peoples in universally significant rationality, the author argues that it is just this rationality that is overtly contradicted by the main interpretations of the postsecular in the Western Europe. To say more, these interpretations are more fitted to description of the “post-religious”, and various trics with the significance of post- in this context (by devastation of its temporal, diachronic meaning) are demonstrated as ploys aimed to delete the numerous facts of deterioration of religion there, viz. dramatic and constant decrease of religious population simultaneous with the same increase of irreligious, the fall of the civic authority of religious leaders and what could be called the inner secularization of Christian denominations.

Author Biography

  • Vladimir Kirillovitch Shokhin, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Goncharnaya Str. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation

    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Sector for the Philosophy of Religion. Institute of Philosophy RAS.




How to Cite

Which Type of Reality is Being Described by the Conception of the Postsecular World?. (2024). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 8(1), 58-82. https://doi.org/10.21146/2587-683X-2024-8-1-58-82