Fundamental Theology and Religious Studies: Criticism of Buddhism by the Kazan Theological Academy Professor A.F. Gusev (1845–1904)




religious studies, history of religions, fundamental theology, apologetics, historical-philosophical method, A.F. Gusev, Bishop Chrysanthus (Retivtsev), N.P. Rozhdestvensky


The article is devoted to the study of the fundamental theology heritage of the Kazan Theological Academy professor Alexander Fedorovich Gusev (1845–1904), a prominent representative of national apologetic science in theological academies of the synodal period, whose legacy has been very little studied. It is noted that religious issues in the curriculum of pre-revolutionary education in theological academies were mainly presented within the framework of the second section of fundamental theology – “demonstratio christiana”, in which comparative religious studies were aimed at solving a general apologetic task – justifying the superiority of Christianity over other religions, or, which is the same, its divinely revealed character. The analysis of A.F. Gusev's master's thesis is made, which is devoted to a critical examination of the main doctrinal provisions of Buddhism and to a comparative analysis of its moral doctrine with the Christian one. It is demonstrated that A.F. Gusev successfully applied the historical-philosophical method of critical religious studies introduced earlier by Bishop Chrysanthus (Retivtsev; 1832–1883). The article points out that A.F. Gusev’s conviction in the complete absence of “Buddhist roots” (the search for which was so popular in the late 19th – early 20th centuries) in the early Christianity teachings and narratives is supported in modern professional Oriental studies as well. 

Author Biography

  • Dimitri Lushnikov, Department of Theology of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Obvodny Canal, nab. 17, St. Pe tersburg 191167, Russian Federation

    Candidate of theology, head of the Department of Theology of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.







How to Cite

Fundamental Theology and Religious Studies: Criticism of Buddhism by the Kazan Theological Academy Professor A.F. Gusev (1845–1904). (2024). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 8(2), 68-85.