Mystical and Ascetic Heritage of St. John Cassian: a New Stage in Modern Research


  • Nikolay A. Redin Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Goncharnaya Str. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation



St. John Cassian, Evagrius Pontus, mysticism, theology, asceticism, contemplation, prayer, ecstasy, dematerialization


In the paper, I consider the mystical theology of St. John Cassian on the basis of the proceedings of the Third International Patristic Conference of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute for Postgraduate Studies, dedicated to St. John Cassian and the monastic tradition of the Christian East and West. I am making an attempt to analyze the ascetic tradition, which comes from St. Cassian, her relations with the mysticism of Evagrius Pontus and Origen, as well as an analysis of the concepts inherent exclusively to the Marseilles presbyter. To solve this problem, I consider such concepts of the Cassian heritage as perfect love, friendship, dispassion, purity of heart, mysticism of ecstasy, mysticism of love, fiery prayer, dematerialization, etc.

Author Biography

  • Nikolay A. Redin, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Goncharnaya Str. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Russian Federation





How to Cite

Mystical and Ascetic Heritage of St. John Cassian: a New Stage in Modern Research. (2018). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 2(1), 142-149.