The idea of "critique of revelation" in the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology in the late works of N. Berdyaev


  • Konstantin Mihailovich Antonov St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities. 23B Novokuznetskaia Str., Moscow, 115184, Russian Federation



Nikolai Berdyaev, philosophy of religion, philosophical theology, revelation, faith, myth, dogma


The article deals with the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology presented in the late works of Nikolai Berdyaev from viewpoint of the idea of "critique of revelation". The introductory part provides a brief overview of the concept of revelation in the Russian philosophical thought. The first subsection of the article deals with Berdyaev's concept of "transcendental man" and the opposition between freedom and existence typical for his ontology which defines his idea of revelation. His concept of "criticism of revelation", considered by the author as a basic element of the philosopher's methodology, is further analyzed. On this basis such elements of Berdyaev's philosophy of religion as his understanding of revelation, faith, myth, the relation of religion and mysticism, religion and philosophy, history of religion are considered. The final part of the article is devoted to the elements of Berdyaev's philosophical theology: his rethinking of the concepts of dogma and authority, the ratio of apophatic and cataphatic theology and related matters. Berdyaev's philosophy of religion and philosophical theology are considered in the context of the development of Russian and European thought in the middle of the XX century.

Author Biography

  • Konstantin Mihailovich Antonov, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities. 23B Novokuznetskaia Str., Moscow, 115184, Russian Federation

    Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Theological Faculty of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities.







How to Cite

The idea of "critique of revelation" in the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology in the late works of N. Berdyaev. (2019). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 3(1), 57-78.