The Book of Revelation as an "open work" and its Literary Structure


  • Antal Gergely Nyebolszin St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University 6/1 Lihov pereulok, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation



Book of Revelation, Apocalypse of John, Umberto Eco, open work, literary structure, literary criticism, hermeneutics


The subject of this review-article is a monograph concerned with the difficult question of the literary structure of the Book of Revelation. That no scholarly consensus exists in this field, is indicated by the mere fact of the existence of many proposed variants of the structuration of the Apocalypse. The author of the reviewed book, relying on the ideas of Umberto Eco concerning the "open work", proposes his own vision of the literary structure of Revelation, which includes elements of different versions of its composition. The work is concluded by an outline of the Apocalypse that should reflect its narrative and dramaturgical multidimensionality.

Author Biography

  • Antal Gergely Nyebolszin, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University 6/1 Lihov pereulok, Moscow 127051, Russian Federation
    Doctor of Theology




How to Cite

The Book of Revelation as an "open work" and its Literary Structure. (2019). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 3(1), 153-163.