Lee Martin McDonald on the Canon of Holy Scripture in Judaism and Christianity


  • Alexey Borisovich Somov Institute of Bible Translation, 2 Andreyevskaya Nab., building B, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119334; St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute, 29 Pokrovka street, Moscow, Russian Federation, 105062




Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, Septuagint, canon, inspiration, revelation, Judaism, Christianity


The paper deals with the fourth updated and revised edition of the book of the American researcher Lee Martin McDonald "The Formation of the Biblical Canon," which was published in 2017. McDonald's work deals with the origin, development, and formation of the list of the sacred books, which constitute the corpus of the Holy Scriptures in Judaism and Christianity. McDonald discusses general questions of the concept of inspiration of the sacred texts and the basic terms related to this subject as well as the history of formation of the canon in Judaism and Christianity. The author of the paper has investigated in details the main stages of the formation of the biblical canon.

Author Biography

  • Alexey Borisovich Somov, Institute of Bible Translation, 2 Andreyevskaya Nab., building B, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119334; St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute, 29 Pokrovka street, Moscow, Russian Federation, 105062

    Candidate of Theology, Translation Projects consultant of Bible Translation Institute; Associate Professor, Department of Holy Scripture, St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute.







How to Cite

Lee Martin McDonald on the Canon of Holy Scripture in Judaism and Christianity. (2019). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 3(1), 164-173. https://doi.org/10.21146/2587-683X-2019-3-1-164-173