Religion not only within the Bounds of Bare Reason




Russian philosophy, philosophy of religion, secular theology, philosophical theology, secular culture, V.S. Solovyov, S.N. Bulgakov, S.L. Frank


The review is devoted to the analysis of the monograph by K.M. Antonov, which represents a fundamentally new and original methodological approach that allows you to look at the history of Russian philosophy of the late XVIII – early XX centuries as a “secular alternative” to the traditional theology. Because of this new methodology it becomes possible to correlate the ideas of Russian thinkers of that era with the problems of modern religious studies, philosophy of religion and philosophical theology. The work of Antonov in this regard can rightfully be called the "continuation" of classical works on the history of Russian religious philosophy by V.V. Zenkovsky, N.O. Lossky and G.V. Florovsky.

Author Biography

  • Aleksandra Yuryevna Berdnikova, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. Goncharnaya Str. 12/1, Moscow 109240, Rus- sian Federation

    PhD. candidate in philosophy, researcher, Russian Academy of Sciences.




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