“Religion after Religion”, or Current Projects in Posmetaphysical Theology


  • Tatyana Valerievna Litvin The Russian Christian Academy of the Humanities. Naberezhnaya reki Fontanki, 15, Saint Petersburg, 191011, Russian Federation




postmodernism, theology, liberal theology, Christianity, ontology, aesthetics, transcendence


Оne of the newest monograph is analysed where the ideas of Western theologians of the last decades, basing their theories on the reception of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, are examined, Caputo, Kearney, Manjussakis, Hart being choosed in the first place. The rejection of metaphysics and the search for new methods of cognition, new philosophizing ways are actual for theology as well. Methodological issues, updating the existential vocabulary of theology, rethinking the transcendent become the subjects of reflection of postmodern theology. The reviewer pays reasonable attention, in accordance with the book, to a transition from onto-thology to the theology of event and emphasizes that study of contemporary Western theologians is valuable for Russia, especially in the context of today’s introducing academic theology into the system of education.

Author Biography

  • Tatyana Valerievna Litvin, The Russian Christian Academy of the Humanities. Naberezhnaya reki Fontanki, 15, Saint Petersburg, 191011, Russian Federation

    PhD. in philosophy, dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, The Russian Christian Academy of the Humanities.




How to Cite

“Religion after Religion”, or Current Projects in Posmetaphysical Theology. (2020). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 4(2), 168–173. https://doi.org/10.21146/2587-683X-2020-4-2-168-173