Maimonides’ Metaphysics and Cosmology in “The Guide for Perplexed” and in “The Epistle to the Sages of Marseille”


  • Gennady Petrovich Andreev Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation;



Maimonides, cosmology, metaphysics, Aristotelism, The Guide for Perplexed, The Epistle to Sage of Marseille, Medieval Jewish Physics


Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides) in the Second part of his main philosophical treatise The Guide for Perplexed analyzes geocentric cosmology which was for his epoch as paradigm. Also there he considers peripatetic ideas on Pre-eternity of the Universe and concept of multitude of worlds. He challenges and queries Post-Ptolemaic concept of epicycles what is so indistinctive for 12th century. Also two Medieval Jewish mysterious doctrines named Ma’ase Bereshit (Action of Creation) and Ma’ase Merqava (Action of Charriot) are analyzed by him in light of popular for Jewish High Middle Age interpretation as Physics and Metaphysics respectively. Mystical Talmudic teaching on Kise ha-Kavod (the Throne of [Divine] Glory) is interpreted as Peripatetic view on superlunary world. In The Epistle to the Sages of Marseille Maimonides sets some criteria up for rational faith and regards fundamental arguments against astrology by dividing pre-scientific cosmology and superstitions. He considers concept of rea’ya brura (pure viewing or clear proof) in epistemological and ontological sense. To rabbi Moshe logic of mathematical proof (and Pre-Scientific Knowledge at all) and sensual perception have got more weight than Biblical prophets literary words.

Author Biography

  • Gennady Petrovich Andreev, Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation;

    Postgraduate, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, teacher of social studies at Lancman School.







How to Cite

Maimonides’ Metaphysics and Cosmology in “The Guide for Perplexed” and in “The Epistle to the Sages of Marseille”. (2021). Philosophy of Religion: Analytic Researches, 5(1), 32-46.